Pupin Initiative donates to the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Belgrade
"Knowledge is the light that illuminates our path through life," said Michael Pupin.
Today, the Pupin Initiative donated 50 books in the fields of international relations, security, and diplomacy to the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Belgrade.
Executive Director of the Pupin Initiative, Vuk Velebit, highlighted that this is one of the first things done for the Faculty of Political Sciences since the signing of the Memorandum of Cooperation between the Faculty and the Pupin Initiative.
Dean of the Faculty of Political Sciences, Prof. Dragan R. Simić, expressed gratitude for everything the Pupin Initiative does for the Faculty and stated that their assistance contributes to the improvement of students at all study levels.
The book donation is one of the actions contributing to keeping students informed about current developments in the mentioned fields.

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