Student Fellowship 2025

We believe in the new generation of young people who want to create the future. That’s why we launched the Pupin Initative's Student Fellowship program to provide students with the opportunity to understand the importance of developing relations between Serbia and the US and strengthening Serbia’s position.

Last year, students from Serbia and abroad had the chance to meet the most successful Serbs and Americans leading companies, as well as those involved in shaping policies and strategies in international relations.

Through this program, students will also have an opportunity to improve their research, writing and policy skills.

What is it About?

In our six month long Student Fellowship program, you will have an opportunity to:

• Learn from prominent experts from various fields every week through interactive online lectures. 
• Visit most important Serbian and American companies and institutions.
• Write an article for our website.
• Attend Pupin Initiative's events and become a part of our alumni network.

How to Apply?

To apply, send your CV or a short biography and an essay on the topic Serbian-American Relations In My Perspective (300-400 words) at until February 13th.

2024 Student Fellows

Nina Avramovski

Georgetown University

Washington, D.C.

Milana Beleuc

University of Belgrade

Belgrade, Serbia

Mila Bjekić

Università Ca' Foscari

Venice, Italy

Jovan Garić

University of Belgrade

Belgrade, Serbia

Petar Ivić

University of Belgrade

Belgrade, Serbia

Aleksandar Jakovljević

University of Belgrade

Belgrade, Serbia

Aleksa Jovanović

University of Belgrade

Belgrade, Serbia

Stefan Jovanović

University of Belgrade

Belgrade, Serbia

Milica Kekerić

University of Belgrade

Belgrade, Serbia

Danilo Nastić

University of Belgrade

Belgrade, Serbia

Vasilije Otović

University of Belgrade

Belgrade, Serbia

Stefan Ranković

Università Ca' Foscari

Venice, Italy

Dimitrije Simović

University of Belgrade

Belgrade, Serbia

Nina Sretenović

University of Richmond

Richmond, VA

Marko Vasić

University of Belgrade

Belgrade, Serbia

© 2023-2024 Pupin Initiative. All rights reserved.

Palmotićeva 16, Belgrade, 11108, Serbia · 1717-1 N St NW, Washington, DC 20036, USA

© 2023-2024 Pupin Initiative. All rights reserved.

Palmotićeva 16, Belgrade, 11108, Serbia · 1717-1 N St NW, Washington, DC 20036, USA