Pupin Forum 2024 in Belgrade, Serbia

The inaugural Pupin Forum, "Advancing US-Serbia Partnerships in a Changing World," aimed to revitalize the historically positive relations between Serbia and America. The mission was to renew and deepen the cooperation, trust, and partnership that the two nations have enjoyed in the past, while opening new avenues for exchange. The Forum emphasized the importance of political and economic stability in strengthening US-Serbia relations, supporting American investment, and fostering Serbia's burgeoning startup scene. Participants highlighted Serbia's key role as the US's principal partner in the Balkans, exploring the region's potential, technological progress, sustainable energy, and collaborative e-mobility initiatives. The focus was on building trust and partnerships to help Serbia become one of the most developed and technologically advanced countries. The Forum was held on May 31, 2024, at Jugoslovenska Kinoteka in Belgrade.


Setting the Stage: Navigating Geopolitical Landscapes

At the first panel of the Pupin Forum, participants gained valuable insights into the geopolitical landscape of Serbia and the Western Balkans, as well as the challenges Serbia faces in the geopolitical arena. The U.S. defense perspective on these issues was presented, while contrasting viewpoints on China and the Western Balkans region were also shared.

Moderated by Marko Dašić (Faculty of Political Sciences) and featuring:

  • Brigadier General Chris A. McKinney, Deputy Director for Partnership and Security Cooperation, EUCOM, Department of Defense, United States

  • Dejan Jović, Professor of International Relations at Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Zagreb

  • Andrew J. Nathan, Professor of Political Science at Columbia University, United States

Navigating Serbian Foreign Policy: A One-on-One Discussion with the Serbian Foreign Minister

This conversation provided an in-depth examination of the current state and future prospects of US-Serbia relations, highlighting Serbia's pivotal role in the Western Balkans and its impact on regional stability. It addressed key elements of Serbian foreign policy amidst global geopolitical challenges and outlined the new Foreign Minister's strategic plans and vision for Serbia's diplomatic efforts.

Moderated by Vuk Velebit (Pupin Initiative) and featuring:

  • Marko Djurić, Minister of Foreign Affair, Republic of Serbia

Biotech - The Next Frontier for Serbia and a New Opportunity for a US-Serbia Partnership?

Biotechnology and precision medicine form the second pillar of tech-driven global economic growth. The United States, with its unique ecosystem of scientific entrepreneurs, venture capital, and academia, is the undisputed leader in the field. Meanwhile, Serbia, after remarkable success in the IT sector, is poised to engage with the transformative Bio4 campus. Lessons learned in creating biotech hubs and the secret to harnessing the ideas and energy of cutting-edge life sciences research were discussed.

Moderated by Ana Govedarica (Roche) and featuring:

  • Samuel Sia, Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Vice Provost for the Fourth Purpose and Strategic Impact, Columbia University

  • Jelena Begović, Minister of Innovation, Technology and Science, Republic of Serbia

  • Ivan Trifunović, Pharma & Biotech Exec, Co-Founder, Dren Bio

Digital Neighbors: Leveraging Technological Advancements for Mutual Growth

Our greatest assets are our people, their knowledge, expertise, and the innovative environment we inhabited. Expanding this collaboration is crucial, offering Serbia and America significant opportunities for technological advancement and competitiveness. The discussion explored opportunities, challenges, future prospects, and ways to improve further.

Moderated by Vladimir Milošević (Pupin Initiative, San Francisco) and featuring:

  • Mina Konaković Luković, Professor of Computer Science and Principal Investigator at Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, MIT

  • Dragan Tomić, Vice President of Engineering, Databricks

  • Alex Wheldon, Co-Founder, President & Chief Product Officer, Rho Business Banking

  • Tihomir Bajić, Founder of Serbian Entrepreneurs and Co-Founder of Fifth Quarter Ventures

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Palmotićeva 16, Belgrade, 11108, Serbia · 1717-1 N St NW, Washington, DC 20036, USA